CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Logo Commercial Repayment Center Portal COB&R Coordination of Benefits and Recovery Logo
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How to Get Started

The CRCP is a secure web-based system that provides employers, other plan sponsors, insurers, and third-party administrators (TPAs) with a way to electronically communicate with the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) to resolve their Group Health Plan (GHP) debt with Medicare. This system provides employers/other plan sponsors and insurers/TPAs with the ability to perform the following actions:

  • View demand and related case information
  • Search for specific cases associated with an account ID
  • View information for submitted defenses
  • Submit new defenses for a claim or claim lines associated with a case
  • Upload defense documentation
  • View and track case information, including financial data, defense status, and correspondence history
  • View and read letters

Finding Help

The CRCP application includes the following helpful resources:

  • CRCP User Guide
    The user guide is located under the Reference Materials menu. The guide will assist you in understanding how to navigate and use the CRCP application.
  • How To. . . Menu
    Under this menu, you will find several general help documents for completing common tasks.
  • Quick Help
    On each CRCP web page, you will find a Quick Help link that will provide you with documentation that explains that specific web page and related actions you may take.

CRCP Roles

The CRCP permits multiple types of users per account. There are three possible roles: Authorized Representative (AR), Account Manager (AM), or Account Designee (AD).

To complete the two-step registration process for the CRCP, each organization must select an AR and an AM.

Authorized Representative (AR)

The AR is the individual in your organization (employer, other plan sponsor, insurer, or TPA) who has the legal authority to bind the organization to a contract and to the terms of CRCP requirements. This is usually a senior executive/partner of your company/firm. The AR has ultimate accountability for the information submitted on the CRCP.

The AR initiates the first part of the registration process (or designates another to do so) by requesting a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and providing the PIN to the AM, but the AR will not have direct access to the CRCP application and cannot be a user on the portal. The AR must approve the organization’s profile during the initial account setup and through any subsequent changes.

Please refer to the Data User Agreement (DUA) to make sure the person named as the organization’s AR has the authority to sign this agreement.

AR Restrictions

  • An AR may not be a user of the CRCP application.
  • An AR can be the AR for multiple CRCP accounts.

The AR information is submitted during Step 1 - New Registration (PIN Request).

Account Manager (AM)

The AM is the person in your organization who will actively manage the GHP case workload for the account. This includes inviting other users -- Account Designees (ADs) -- to assist in case management. The AM can also replace the AR if needed. Each CRCP account must assign an AM. Each CRCP account can only have one AM.

The AM completes the second part of the registration process by setting up an account. The AM will be a regular user of the CRCP. Unregistered AMs -- AMs who do not have a login ID or password for the CRCP or for other Coordination of Benefits (COB) secure web applications -- will be required to create a login ID and password for the CRCP. Registered AMs can use their current credentials to log in to the CRCP.

AM Restrictions

  1. An AM cannot be the AR for any CRCP account.
  2. An AM may be the AM for multiple CRCP accounts.
  3. An AM can be an AM for one account and an AD for another account.

Note: In addition to being able to assign multiple roles across different accounts, you can also reassign roles for existing accounts. For example, an AM can change the role of an AD on an account to an AM by contacting an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative by phone at (646) 458-6740 or by email at for assistance.

The AM information is submitted during Step 2 - Account Setup.

Account Designee (AD)

ADs assist the AM with GHP recovery cases. An AM may, but is not required to, invite individuals to register as ADs associated with the account and become users of the CRCP. Each CRCP account may have up to 200 ADs.

An AD must first be invited by an AM to gain access to an account. Unregistered ADs -- ADs who do not have a login ID or password for the CRCP or other COB secure web applications -- will be required to create a login ID and password for the CRCP. Registered ADs can use their current credentials to log in to the CRCP. An AD can be associated with multiple CRCP accounts using their single login ID.

AD Restrictions

  • The AD cannot be an AR for any CRCP account.
  • The AD can be an AM for a different CRCP account.
  • An AD can be reassigned as an AM to an existing account.
  • The AD cannot be both AM and AD for the same CRCP account.
  • The AD cannot invite other users to be an AD for a CRCP account.
  • The AD cannot update CRCP organizational account information (Company TIN, Company Name, Address, etc.).

Registration Process: PIN Request and Account Setup

Unless previously registered on a COB secure web application, all CRCP users (AMs and ADs) must register and be associated with a CRCP account. Each user can have only one login ID and password.

Users of the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP), Section 111 Coordination of Benefits Secure Web Site (COBSW) Portal, and Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Portal (WCMSAP) applications will not create a new login ID and password for the CRCP. These users will use the same login ID and password to access the CRCP application.

Before you can register as a new user, your organization must complete the two-step registration process.

For more information, click the CRCP User Guide link under the How To.. menu option.

Complete Step 1: New Registration (PIN Request)

To start the registration process, the person identified as your organization's AR must go to the CRCP URL:, click the Step 1 - New Registration (PIN Request) button, and complete the requested information.

It is critical that the person performing this step provide contact information (including email address) for your AR, and not the email address for someone you want to be a user of the CRCP such as an AM or AD.

Summary: PIN Request Steps

  1. Determine an Account Type (i.e., Employer or Insurer), enter the Company TIN and Letter ID, select a Letter Type (Defense or Demand), and enter a key piece of information from the selected letter.
  2. Complete the contact information (name, title, email, and phone) for the AR.
  3. Review and verify the data.
  4. Submit the PIN request.

The account ID is not sent with this email but is provided at the end of the PIN Request process on the PIN Request Completed Successfully Thank You page. It will be sent in a separate email to the email address provided for the AR. You should print this page and keep it for your records .

This information is required by the AM to complete the Account Setup process.

If you do not receive the Account ID Notification email within 1 business day, please contact an EDI Representative by phone at: (646) 458-6740 or e-mail at:

When the PIN request is submitted, the CRC will validate the information. Once validation is completed, an email will be sent to the AR at the email address provided during the registration process. This email includes the numeric PIN.

Complete Step 2: Account Setup

After receiving the PIN and account ID from the AR, the AM must go to the CRCP URL: click the Step 2 - Account Setup button, and complete the requested information. Only the individual who will be the AM for the CRCP account may complete the Account Setup process.

Summary: Account Setup Steps

  1. Confirm the information provided by the AR by entering the account ID, PIN, and the AM email.
  2. Review and verify the company and AR contact information for the account.
  3. Complete the contact information for the AM (name, personal mailing address, phone, and email) and accept the Data User Agreement (DUA) and Privacy Policy.
  4. Create a login ID and password for the CRCP (unless they are previously registered).
  5. Select security questions and provide responses (unless they are previously registered).
  6. Choose a Go Paperless option, if desired, and enter an optional email address to be included on the cc of letter notification emails sent to the AM and ADs for Go paperless accounts.
  7. Submit the Account Setup data.

Once the account is set up successfully, the AM may log in to the application and invite ADs to become associated with the account.

For more information, click the How to Invite and Remove Account Designees link under the How To menu.

Return Signed Profile Report (AR)

After the information provided during Account Setup has been processed and validated, an e-mail notification will be sent to the AR. It may take up to 12 business days to receive the Profile Report. This Profile Report contains a summary of the information provided during the registration process including:

  • Account ID and account type
  • Company information
  • AR contact information
  • AM contact information
  • Go Paperless information
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative contact information

The AR must review, sign, and return the Profile Report within 60 business days. When returning the signed Profile Report via e-mail, the AR should use "CRCP Profile Report" as the subject line. If a signed Profile Report is not received within that timeframe, the account will be automatically deleted on the 60th business day. If the account is deleted, the registration process must be restarted from the beginning.

Once your Profile Report has been marked as received and your account has been activated by an EDI Representative, you may begin working on cases using the CRCP. You will know your account has been activated when you log in and the links on the Account Detail page (Demand Listing and Request Letter Access) are enabled or active.

Note: If information on the Profile Report is inaccurate or requires modifications, please contact an EDI Representative by phone at (646) 458-6740 or e-mail

January 2025