How To Invite and Remove Account Designees
Account Designees (ADs) assist Account Managers (AMs) with managing recovery cases. They can be
employees or agents of an organization. ADs can only gain access to the CRCP account through an
invitation from the AM. An AM may invite up to 200 ADs to a single CRCP account.
To see a full description of the role of ADs, click the How to Get Started help
page link under the How To .. menu
How to Add or “Invite” an Account Designee to an Account
- Log into the CRCP and select an Account ID from the Account Listing page.
- The Account Detail page displays
- Select the Designee Maintenance link under the Account Settings
- The Account Designee Listing page displays.All Account Designees associated to the
account are listed.
- Click Add Designee
- The Account Designee Information page displays
- Enter (and re-enter) the Account Designee’s E-mail address.
- Note: The submitted email address must be associated with an individual
person, not with a distribution list or generic address.
- Click Continue to proceed to the Account Designee Invitation
page, or click Cancel to cancel the operation and return to Account
Designee Listing page.
- After clicking Continue, the system determines if the designee is
already a registered user based on the email address entered. An existing registered
user can be an AD for
your Account ID as long as they are not already registered as an Authorized
Representative (AR) for any account or the AM for your account.
- If the entered email address is matched to a registered AD for a different Account ID,
the AD is automatically registered to be a user for your account and they will not have
to create a
login ID or password for the CRCP. They will receive an email notifying them that they
have been designated as an AD for your account. Once they receive this e-mail, they can
log into the CRCP using their
existing login ID and password and complete tasks related to your account.
- If the entered email address is matched to the AM of the account or any AR, the system
will not allow you to proceed with the invitation.
- If the invited AD is not matched to a registered user, enter the
designee’s First and Last Names, and enter (and re-enter) a Passphrase (temporary password).
- Note: The passphrase can be any sequence of words or text. It is
case-sensitive and can be up to 30 characters long. The passphrase is not included in the
invitation. You must provide the invited AD with the passphrase exactly as it was entered on
the Account Designee Invitation page. They will need this information when they
create their
Login ID and Password.
- Click Continue to save the information and proceed to the Account
Designee Confirmation page or click Cancel to cancel the process
and return to
the Account Designee Listing page.
- Repeat these steps for each AD you want to invite to an account.
How to Delete or Remove an Account Designee From an Account
- From the Designee Listing , click the Delete (X) icon next to the
Designee’s Last Name.
- The Delete Account Designee Confirmation page is displayed.
- Click OK to confirm the deletion or Cancel to cancel the
delete process and return to the Account Designee Listing page.
The system disassociates the AD from the account. This removes the AD from this Account ID only.
The AD retains access to any other Account ID for which they are currently associated