CMS Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services Logo Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal
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How to Get Started on the MSPRP Page

The Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP) is a web-based tool designed to assist in and accelerate the resolution of Liability Insurance, No-Fault Insurance, and Workers' Compensation Medicare recovery cases. It gives users (attorneys, insurers, beneficiaries, and recovery agents) the ability to access and update certain case-specific information online.

The MSPRP allows users the ability to electronically perform the following actions:

  • Submit Beneficiary Proof of Representation (POR), Beneficiary Consent to Release (CTR), and Recovery Agent Authorization requests and supporting documentation.
  • Request an update a conditional payment amount.
  • Request an electronic conditional payment letter with Conditional Payment Amount (beneficiaries and users logged in with multi-factor authentication only).
  • Request a mailed copy of the conditional payment letter.
  • View/dispute claims included in a conditional payment letter and upload supporting documentation.
  • Provide Notice of Settlement (NOS) information.

To perform these actions on the MSPRP, you must have the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-assigned recovery Case ID, Medicare ID (Health Insurance Claim Number [HICN]) or Medicare Beneficiary Identifier [MBI]) or Social Security Number (SSN), Beneficiary Name, and Beneficiary Date of Birth.

Note: The Case ID is created once CMS has received Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) information and initiated a recovery case. For BCRC cases, it is a 15-digit number and is displayed as #####-#####-##### on correspondence related to the case such as the Rights and Responsibilities letter and conditional payment letters. For CRC cases, the 15-digit number is displayed as 3############.

On each MSPRP web page, you will find a Quick Help/Help About This Page link that will provide you with documentation that explains the page and the actions you may take. In addition, a detailed MSPRP User Guide is available for download under the "Reference Materials" menu option to assist you in understanding how to navigate and use the MSPRP.

All users of the MSPRP, except for Medicare beneficiaries, must register and be associated to a registered account. Beneficiaries are automatically registered as long as they have a login ID and password for the website. Beneficiaries will access the MSPRP through the My MSP pages of , using their existing login ID and password for that application.

Each user of the MSPRP can have only one login ID and password. Unless previously registered, all users, except for Medicare beneficiaries, are required to register for a web portal account. Users of the Commercial Repayment Center Portal (CRCP), Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting Coordination of Benefits Secure Web Site (COBSW) and Workers' Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Agreement Portal (WCMSAP) applications must use the same login ID and password to access the MSPRP site.

Before a new user can register, the corporate or representative entity must complete the initial registration process for the MSPRP account which involves the following steps:

  • Determine Account Type
  • Identify Users for the Account
  • Complete Step 1 - New Registration on the MSPRP
  • Complete Step 2 - Account Setup on the MSPRP
  • Return Signed Profile Report

Determine Account Type

There are two types of MSPRP accounts Representative and Corporate. Account types are mutually exclusive; you can only select one account type.

  • Representative
  • A representative account is intended for a non-corporate, single representative of a beneficiary without a corporate Employer Identification Number (EIN). This type of account allows you to work on multiple cases for multiple different beneficiaries. You must provide your personal SSN to register for a representative account. Examples of a representative account include an attorney who is not part of a law firm or a member of the beneficiary's family.

  • Corporate
  • A corporate account is intended for an organization under which multiple people will work on multiple cases related to multiple Medicare beneficiaries. You must provide an EIN or Tax Identification Number (TIN) assigned to your organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to register for a corporate account. Examples of a corporate account include a law firm with attorneys that represent beneficiaries, an insurer or self-insured entity, a TPA or other agent that represents insurers or provides services to beneficiaries and/or their attorneys. Note that TPAs and agents may often wish to be invited as Account Designees (ADs) under their clients' accounts, rather than or in addition to creating their own corporate account, depending on the circumstances. The information you are required to submit during MSPRP registration and the way your account is validated depends on the type of account you choose.

Identify Users for the Account

The MSPRP permits multiple users per account. Each user is defined by one of three possible roles. Each user can only have one role within the MSPRP: Account Representative (AR), Account Manager (AM), or Account Designee (AD).

Account Representative (AR)

The AR, which applies to corporate accounts only, is the individual in the organization who has the legal authority to bind the organization to a contract and the terms of MSPRP requirements. This is usually a senior executive/partner of the company/firm. Although the AR will not have direct access to the MSPRP application and cannot be a user on the portal, the AR initiates account registration (or designates another person to perform this task), receives the "Personal Identification Number" or PIN for the account, provides the PIN to the AM, and signs the Profile Report. The AR has ultimate accountability for the information submitted on the MSPRP. The AR must approve the organization's profile during the initial account setup and through any subsequent changes. An individual may be the AR for other MSPRP corporate accounts. However, the AR cannot be a user with a login ID for any MSPRP account (i.e., cannot be an AR for an account and registered as an AM or AD for that account or any other MSPRP account).

Please refer to the Data Use Agreement in the MSPRP user guide to make sure the person named as the entity's AR has the authority to sign this agreement.

The AR information will be submitted during Step 1 - New Registration.

Account Manager (AM)

Each MSPRP account must assign an AM. The AM is established during the account setup process. Each MSPRP account can only have one AM. This is the individual that will manage your account recovery case workload. This includes managing other user's access to those cases on a day-to-day basis. Your AM is also responsible for updates to your account information including address changes and replacing your AR if needed.

Your AM will obtain a login ID and be a regular user of the site. An AM may complete tasks related to recovery cases on the MSPRP and invite other users to register and function as ADs associated to your account. Each account may have only one AM.

Under a Representative account, the AR can assign the AM role to another person.

Under a Corporate account, the AR designates the AM. The AR cannot be the AM or be a user of the MSPRP system. The AR and AM must be different people.

Note: You can have multiple roles across different accounts. For example, you can be an AM on one account and an AD on another. Also, an AM can change the role of an AD on a current account to an AM by contacting an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative by phone at (646) 458-6740 or email at: for assistance.

The Account Manager information will be submitted during Step 2 - Account Setup.

Account Designee (AD)

ADs assist the AM with the case recovery process. Your AM may, but is not required to, invite individuals to register as an AD and become users of the MSPRP associated with your account. Each MSPRP account may have multiple ADs. The number of ADs associated with one MSPRP account is dependent on the account type. Corporate accounts may have up to 200 ADs. Representative accounts may have up to 5.

An AD must be invited by an AM in order to obtain a login ID and gain access to your account on the MSPRP. Once an AM has invited an AD to the account, the system will issue an email to the AD with instructions on how to register and access the account on the MSPRP. ADs may perform most tasks related to working with recovery cases on the MSPRP, but they may not invite other users or update general account information. ADs can be associated to multiple MSPRP accounts using a single login ID. After logging onto the MSPRP, ADs will be presented with a list of accounts to which they have been granted access by the applicable AMs. The AD will then select the account that pertains to the recovery case they wish to work on.

Important Things to Consider - Account and User Restrictions

  • An EIN/TIN may only be used once for a single corporate account registration on the MSPRP.
  • An AR for an MSPRP corporate account cannot be a user (AM or AD) with a login ID for any other MSPRP account. However, a person who registers as an AR in one system (MSPRP, WCMSAP, Commercial Repayment Center Portal (CRCP), or Section 111 COBSW) can register as a different role in a different system. For example, if someone registers with their email address as an AR in the MSPRP, they can register as an AM in the WCMSAP, and a designee in the Section 111 COBSW.
  • The AR and AM must be different people for corporate accounts. For representative accounts, they can be the same person.
  • An AD can be an AD on multiple/unlimited number of accounts.
  • Users may have multiple roles across different accounts.
  • The number of ADs associated with one MSPRP account is dependent on the account type. Corporate accounts may have up to 200 designees, and Representative accounts may have up to 5 designees.
  • Users of the WCMSAP, Section 111 COBSW, CRCP, and/or MSPRP must use the same login ID and password for each application. If you already have a login ID for the WCMSAP or Section 111 COBSW, for example, you will not be prompted to create a new login ID on the MSPRP. If you change your password in any of these applications, it is changed for all of these applications.

Complete Step 1 - New Registration on the MSPRP

A designated person associated with your account must go to the MSPRP URL at the following link:, click on the Step 1 - New Registration button, and complete and submit the initial registration. This can be an individual setting up a representative account, or the AR or AM for a corporate account. For corporate accounts, it is critical that you provide contact information (including email address) for your AR in this step, and not the email address for someone you want to be a user of the MSPRP such as an AM or AD. The MSPRP will verify that the submitted email address for each user role is different. If there are any email address matches between the AM, AD, or AR, an error will display.

For Corporate Accounts, the application will ask that you submit:

  • The EIN for the corporation
  • Corporation name and business mailing address.
  • AR contact information (name, title, email address, fax, and phone). This email address will be used to send the post-registration letter that includes the PIN, which is required for account setup.

For Representative Accounts, the application will ask that you submit:

  • Representative contact information (name, mailing address, email address, fax, and phone). This email address will be used to send the post-registration letter that includes the PIN, which is required for account setup.
  • Representative's personal SSN. The SSN must be unique in the MSPRP. It cannot be registered for more than one account. Additionally, it cannot be the same as the SSN of the associated Beneficiary (i.e., a user cannot register on behalf of themselves).
  • Beneficiary last name and first initial
  • Medicare ID (HICN or MBI) or SSN
  • Beneficiary date of birth
  • Beneficiary gender

An email containing the account ID will also be sent to the email address provided for the AR. It is important to print this page for your records . If you do not receive the Account ID Notification email within 1 business day, please contact an EDI Representative by phone at: (646) 458-6740 or email at:

When a registration application is submitted, the information provided will be validated. Once this is completed, an email will be sent to the AR that includes the PIN. That and the MSPRP account ID provided to the AR online and via email during the last step of registration are required to complete account setup. The PIN and account ID must be given to the AM to use to complete account setup.

Note: The email address submitted in Step 1 - New Registration must be the address to which the PIN email will be sent to the AR.

Complete Step 2 - Account Setup on the MSPRP

The AM must go to the MSPRP URL at the following link: with the PIN and account ID, and click on the Step 2 - account setup button. Only the individual who will be the AM for the MSPRP Account may complete the Account Setup process.

For Corporate & Representative account types:

During the account setup process, the AM must:

  • Confirm the information provided during initial registration
  • Enter the account ID and associated PIN
  • Enter their name, *account mailing address, phone, and email address
  • Accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy
  • Create a login ID and password for the MSPRP (unless they are previously registered)
  • Select security questions and provide responses (unless they are previously registered)

Note: The account mailing address submitted in Step 2 - Account Setup must be the address at which you have received recovery case correspondence from Medicare or, if none has been received to date, the address at which you wish to receive such correspondence.

The address entered here will replace the address that was entered during the New Registration step (i.e., it will replace the Corporate address for Corporate accounts and the Representative address for Representative accounts). This address will also be used in the process to associate the account to an existing party on the case.

Registration Guidelines and Scenarios

For more information and clarification on how an account is associated to an MSPRP recovery case, please see the help document found at the following link: MSPRP Registration Guidelines and Scenarios.

Once the AM has successfully completed account setup, they may log in to the application and invite ADs to register for login IDs. See the MSPRP user guide or the "How to Invite Account Designees" document under the "How To..." menu option for more information.

Return Signed Profile Report

After the information provided during account setup has been processed and validated, an email notification will be sent to the AR (Corporate account) or the AM (Representative account). It may take up to 10 business days to receive the Profile Report. This notification will include a Profile Report that contains:

  • A summary of the information you provided on your registration and account set up
  • The MSPRP account ID
  • Contact information for your EDI Representative, who will support you with specific technical issues related to using the site.

The AR must review, sign, and return the Profile Report within 60 business days. When returning the signed Profile Report via email, indicate "MSPRP Profile Report" in the subject line. If a signed Profile Report is not received within that timeframe, the account will be automatically deleted on the 60th business day. If the account is deleted, the registration process must be started from the beginning.

Please note: If information on the Profile Report is inaccurate or requires modifications, please contact an EDI Representative by phone at (646) 458-6740 or email at:

Once your Profile Report has been marked as received and your account has been activated by your EDI Representative, you may begin working on cases using the MSPRP. You will know your account has been activated when you log in and the Request Case Access and Case Listing links are enabled (the links are clickable).

January 2025